David Finkel, MPH, CNC established his professional credentials at the USC Keck school of medicine in the department of preventive medicine known as public health. He is also a state licensed nutritionist who has had the privilege of working alongside our country’s foremost biochemists and clinical nutritionists in a chronic illness practice during an eight-year span that continues to this day. David is currently completing his doctorate in natural medicine, and is scheduled to become a board certified Naturopath by the American Naturopathic medical association in 2015. David possesses a wealth of knowledge that can be consciously integrated within one’s life where lasting results can only be described as self evident to those who work with him.


We are all living the memories we are taught as children, of which so many are very dysfunctional. Every person who attempts to take control of their health will approach it with the sum total of what they were taught as children, learned throughout school, and the habits they formed by those around them. Most people never question these seemingly normal habits, routines, and decisions because they appear normal. It is my deeply held belief, that make believe foods create make believe health. I suspect that the underlying reason for the health care crisis in America today is the result of our own ignorance of how our human bodies were designed to function and how the role of proper nutrition relates to the prevention of disease, promotion of radiant beauty, and youthful longevity.

Senior Couple Enjoying Beach Holiday Running Down Dune

Fortunately, we are living in an age where people are recognizing that processed foods, refined flours and sugars, artificial chemicals and treatments are not the solution to vibrant beauty, health, and longevity. You are responsible for refining the type of person you desire to become and we desire to teach people how to manifest beauty and health step by step.

Unfortunately, most people only seem to receive and accept advice when they are in trouble. When our ego can no longer give us the answers that we need is usually when the cry for help shouts out. This is one of the rare occasions that the arm of help is welcomed. If at any other time, help is offered to somebody who is not asking for it, it is typically ignored. Very few people find pleasure in bowing their heads to a higher power, for to do so would be to acknowledge that there is a superior. The humility of obedience often runs contradictory to our own nature of seeking freedom and pleasure in life.

When you realize that Mother Nature has endowed each one of us with the experience to manifest vibrant health, you may actually desire to follow the natural laws of nature and witness the awesome process of rejuvenation. The reason that I am saying all of this is because there has never been a more paramount time in our living memory where we need to seriously evaluate our seemingly “normal” habits, and collectively decide which road we are to travel down. Humanity is at a crossroads and our future depends upon our health.

Growing up, my friends and I overindulged in everything that was seemingly normal to our generation. None of us ever thought that our lifestyles would threaten our existence. The odds that 1 in every 3 people today in America will get cancer is enough of a wake up call to sit us down for a few moments and question our own lifestyles. It may be an appropriate time to learn how to integrate our ego and self so that we may become blessings for others upon which to learn and grown from.


So where do we all go from here? The choice is simply yours. They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and yet expecting different results. Maybe it is time to allow our false belief systems to collapse so that we can make room for a transformation of our consciousness. By unraveling all of our unhealthy habits, attitudes, and negative choices, we can make room for new ideas to take hold in our minds.

Free will seems to be a double edge sword of life and sometimes it takes some tough love to realize how fortunate and lucky we all are. It is usually through our moments of disenchantment with life that place us in situations where we can truly grow to realize our true potential. The irritation and aggravation of life not being the way I wanted it to be, presented me with numerous challenges and unresolved health issues. These situations led me to seek out answers that finally gave me permanent results. It is my hope to inspire people to truly become the change they wish to see in our world, as we must be awake and aware of the conscious to truly change the unconscious.

Progress comes from following 4 steps:

  • First by freeing the mind of prejudices.
  • Second, by willing to give up the mistaken and fixed ideas in which one has believed.
  • Third, by accepting the proof of new ideas.
  • Lastly, by making use of them.

While you may never miss what you never had, you must know that you are always in control. My passion is teaching you how to set the conditions for your body to cure you! I’m your investment broker for health. What does your health portfolio look like?

Reason for being:

Shakespeare says that, “our bodies are gardens.” When you treat your body like a Garden of Eden and regard your intestinal tract as the soil that nourishes the rest of your body’s garden, you may become more discerning about what you plant in this garden. Every smart gardener knows that the primary ingredients to a flourishing garden are the soil’s level of hydration, the pH balance, and the mineral and nutrient contents. The terrain of the soil is the wellspring of a bountiful garden. Poor soil conditions lead to a garden that lacks a healthy “immune system,” which may make this garden susceptible to bacteria, diseases, parasites, and viruses. Therefore, the health of the soil determines the health of the organism. The internal environment of your body is much like a garden that requires healthy soil. Any garden, if not cultivated to grow wholesome flowers, fruit, or vegetables may soon become a garden of poisonous weeds.

Everybody desires to look younger and maintain his or her physical beauty these days. But there has not yet been a system, which empowers the individual to control their body’s biological aging system until now. To successfully accomplish this goal, you need an understanding of how your body works. Today, we broadly accept yoga as a means of achieving greater harmony, health, energy, and enjoyment in life. The phealing empowers you with a system of beauty and health by working hand in hand with your body’s organs and glands, including ancient methods of detoxification techniques, matched with our premier nutritional products. Health is the most precious gift that you could ever give yourself. One of life’s main purposes is to increase happiness and joy. Our teachings are a true union of Body, Mind, and Spirit. By working with your physical, mental, and emotional aspects, you can set the pre-conditions for your own body to heal naturally. We invite you to learn what you can plant in your garden so that it may naturally disinfect and prevent the growth of noxious weeds, so that you do not kill your Eden.

As of 2004, the CDC, Center for Disease Control stated that over 53% of Americans over the age of 21 are chronically ill and more recently it has become evident that one in three Americans will get cancer today. The survival rates for cancer treatment have only increased 5% in the past 55 years, where survival indicates living more than 5 years without a relapse. 100 years ago the leading causes of death were accidents, old age, and pneumonia. Today the leading causes of death are cancer, heart disease, and medical error. The United States has the highest infant mortality rate of all industrialized countries in the world. The United States also has the lowest life expectancy rate of people who surpass the age of 60. And yet we spend more than two times any other country in the world spends on medical care. Clearly, we need to become pro active about creating wellness.

Environmentalists warn us that we are destroying the ecological balance of our planet by burning rainforests and adding chemicals to our crops. Chemicals find their way into our food and water supplies, and may be significantly affecting our health. The same event is happening within our human bodies. We are destroying the inner ecosystems of our bodies, which are usually managed by healthy microorganisms that are responsible for keeping us happy, healthy, and looking young.

Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize Winner for (Chemistry and Peace) stated that all disease begins with a mineral deficiency.

When you do not pay attention to the natural laws of health and nature, your body may be susceptible to absorbing poisons into the blood stream thru the colon. Every smart gardener knows that when the irrigation system is broken; water cannot be properly distributed to all areas of the garden, and eventually if not given pure water, the fruits and vegetables rot and wither away. This may not only lead to the degeneration and damage of every organ and gland in your body, but it may also lead to heart disease, stomach problems such as indigestion and gastric ulcers, cancer and other weeds that we do not wish to poison our bodies with.

Unfortunately this process happens at such a slow rate, that we may accidently attribute it to the normal process of chronological aging. Disease and old age as we currently know it may be the general ignorance and disregard of cultivating and maintaining a healthy garden. Therefore, by keeping your blood stream clean, you can keep this “river of life” from clogging up the irrigation canals in your Garden of Eden.

Much of Western philosophy, in healthcare protocols, revolves around the “chasing of symptoms.” Even the field of nutrition has followed this model. It is now time to learn how to restore the body’s natural physiology so that it can function the way it was designed. Beauty and Health are not the absence of disease, or symptoms. Beauty and Health are the experiences of joy, love, and peace, which include being capable of physically, mentally, and emotionally enjoying all the days of ones life. The transformation of your health begins with having an open mind, a critical intelligence, and the willingness to discover how you can learn to partner with your body.

The Phealing creates patterns of living that are in harmony with physical beauty while learning how to be responsible for your own health. Remember, life is a free gift and your body is a treasure! Your life is on loan to you and it is your job to demonstrate that you are a good steward. Disease is not something that just happens, it is the result of violating our design.

By treating your body as a Garden of Eden and learning to make eating and other habits conform to the laws of health and nature; life and youth as we know it will be extended for a much longer period of time than one now obtains. By understanding how your body is designed to function, you will be given an extraordinary opportunity to restore your body’s natural physiology, which gives your body the opportunity to heal itself naturally.

Our approach is truly “wholistic,” and not “partialistic”. Instead of chasing symptoms, we prefer to focus on creating pre-conditions that are necessary for the body to thrive. As a result, you should feel empowered to achieve meaningful answers, and to know that there is hope that you can be well.

The results of steadily improving your health will positively affect the way you look and feel, which will also become self evident to those around you. Young people may appear to be much older than they actually are when their bodies are tired and toxic. Old folks may appear to look very youthful when their bodies are truly healthy.

The silent nature of the human body is diligently at work round the clock and yet it most often goes unnoticed. Our modes of daily living have not yet realized the amazing benefits of simply being able to routinely monitor your organs and glands, just as one regularly changes the oil in their car. We all know what happens to an engine that hasn’t had its oil changed. How many times in your life have you consciously experienced or thought about your colon, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, or pancreas? People can easily become spoiled rotten from the inside out when their internal gardens are breeding unhealthy organisms. Naturally, if you want to achieve outer beauty, you must first develop inner beauty.

Come and learn how to rejuvenate your body, by educating yourself how the human body is designed to function. The revelation that your body is the tree of life should inspire you to take exceptional care of your garden.


The information and recommendations on our website and in our consultations are not a substitute for personalized medical advice. The Phealing and its agents propose certain theoretical methods of nutrition not necessarily mainstream. It is left to the discretion and it is the sole responsibility of the user of the information on this site, and in any consulting services to determine if procedures and recommendations described are appropriate. The Phealing and its agents cannot be held responsible for the information or any inadvertent errors or omissions of the information. The information should not be construed as a claim or representation that any procedure or product mentioned constitutes a specific cure, palliative, or ameliorative. Procedures and nutritional compounds described should be considered as adjunctive to other accepted conventional procedures deemed necessary by the attending licensed doctor. It is the concern of the department of health and human services that no homeopathic or nutritional supplement be used to replace established, conventional medical approaches, especially in cases of emergencies, serious or life threatening diseases or conditions. The food and drug administration has not evaluated the information or products detailed on this website or sold through our office. The nutritional compounds mentioned in our consultations should not be used as replacements for conventional medical treatment.


Please understand that David Finkel, mph, cnc, does not diagnose, treat, cure, or claim to cure cancer or any other disease. The information is for educational purposes only and based on the premise that better-informed people can make valid choices about their lifestyle, health consequences and seek self-directed change in illness patterns. You are responsible for the outcome of your current health habits. While the greatest risk lies in continuing wrong habits, there is always doubt, uncertainty, and possible risk in making changes.

It is our desire that you will enable your body to return to the way it was originally designed to function – as a complete self-healing, self-regenerating, self-rejuvenating system by restoring the body’s natural physiological systems, which is most basic foundation to lasting health.

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